Ella Kate turned 6 months old on Saturday the 20th. I can't believe she is already 1/2 year old! It won't be long until I'll be stressing over planning a 1st birthday party. She started First Baptist Daycare on Aug. 4th and she loves her teachers. She is usually in bed by 7:30 and I have to wake her up every morning at 6:30 to get her ready for the day. She rarely cries, but she does not like to be wet or hot! She scoots forwards and backwards and has just started getting up on her knees and rocking back and forth. So you know what's coming! CRAWLING! I am not ready for
that. The picture above is from last week. She is such a ham, but usually stops smiling as soon as I pull out the camera.
She went to the Dr. today at Vanderbilt and weighed 17 lbs. 6 oz. She sees a Dr. in Vanderbilt because she was diagnosed with Hydroneuphrosis before she was even born. She actually weighed 8 oz. and I was only 18 weeks pregnant when they found it. Hydronephrosis is distention and dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces, usually caused by obstruction of the free flow of urine from the kidney, leading to progressive atrophy of the kidney. After she was born we found out that she actually has duplicated ureters (the tube from the bladder to the kidney) coming from both kidneys. On June 6th she was put to sleep to attempt to perform a scope on her. She had what they call "bronchial spasms" and actually stopped breathing so they did not get to do the scope. On our last visit in July he told us that he would probably have to remove the top lobe of each kidney because one lobe was not working at all and one was working at about 45%. She's been on an antibiotic since the day she was born and he changed it to a different one today. At our visit today he told us that things have not gotten any worse, but haven't gotten any better either and that it was time to get things done. We have an appointment for October 30th for another scope. Hopefully things will go better and the Dr. said he was not worried at all this time. He told me not to worry, but you know I will! After the scope then he will schedule the surgery.
Honestly you would never know anything was wrong with her. She is such a happy baby, but we do know that if she wasn't on the medicine she would have infection after infection. I'll keep you posted on her health. She goes tomorrow for her 6 month checkup. These pictures are from today on the way there and at the Dr.'s office.
Thanks Melanie for signing the guestbook. I hope you are feeling better.
Good Night for now! Amy
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