Ok, so I've been tagged by Jerri and Shanan! Thanks guys. The idea is to list 7 things you may or may not know about me and then tag 7 others. Well, all the other bloggers I keep up with have already been tagged so I guess the buck stops with me. Ok, I've been thinking all day of some really good things and this is what I have come up with.
1. I have many little quirks that people just die when I tell them. One of them is I eat M&Ms by color and alphabetically. Why? I don't really know, but I also feed Ella Kate her baby food by matching up her fruit and vegetable alphabetically.
2. When Allison was in preschool and elementary school I kept a list of what she wore each day and I mean each and every day and I still have these lists!
3. I am addicted to EBAY and buying clothes for Ella Kate. Just take a look at her closet!

4. I absolutely love Christmas and I start listening to Christmas music on November 1st. I try to watch a Christmas movie once a month and my house has 5 Christmas trees!
5. I have red hair and blue eyes and look nothing like my brown eyed, dark haired brother and sister. When we were in elementary school at Pembroke Elementary School in Pembroke, KY my sister told a lot of people that I was Reba McEntire's daughter and she couldn't take care of me because she was always on the road so she gave me to this family named The Loves because she just loved their name. People actually believed this story! Later I found out when reading Reba's autobiography that her great-great grandparents or further back were actually Love's from Oklahoma. My grandfather Love was from Oklahoma. Who knows maybe I am kin to her!
6. I hot roll my hair everyday! I know this is so 80s but it's the easiest for me and I've been doing it for about 17 years now. My hair is probably the longest it's been in 15 years also!
7. I am a HUGE Disney freak. Scott and I try to go to Disney World at least once a year just by ourselves and then we take the kids once every other year. Allison and I went by ourselves last fall break and had a blast! I was about 12 weeks pregnant with Ella Kate, but I still had a wonderful time! Here's a picture of us.

Ok, so there are 7 things I bet you didn't know about me. I could have listed a bunch more, but I really didn't want to bore you. Maybe one day I'll share some of my other quirks and OCDness (if that's a word)with you.
Until next post! Love, Amy
#5 was too funny!! PES seems like a long time ago! My grandmother still talks to Ms. Rich all the time. Every time I go home, I mean to go see her but always run out of time. I enjoyed your list!! Thanks for sharing!
Love, Shanan
ps..we will be on TV Thursday on CBS sports. We are the D2 game of the week. I think people in h-town get it if they have dish or satelite!)Go Texans!
GREAT job!! Now, there is not ONE single thing that you wrote that was hard for me to believe!! I can't believe you didn't mention something about what you were wearing when... hee hee hee.., OR what so and so, or *I* was wearing!! You should've mentioned your lists!! Anyway... LOVED it! Thanks for playing along! JA
You must not have OCD... Because a person with true OCD would want to put it in alphabetical order and call it CDO. lol
Great tag post!! I love reading these things..What is the update on your baby since the Oct. 30th appt?? Did you post that and I missed it, kristi
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