This is Ella Kate this morning after sleeping about 16 hours and just getting up once to eat. She is running a fever this morning and not keeping her clear liquids down so she hasn't been able to start eating "real" food. They are a little concerned, but hope it will get better as the day goes on. She still has a catheter, an IV, and a drainage tube coming from her stomach. We hoped they would take the catheter out today, but it looks as if it may stay until tomorrow. Right now she is sleeping very soundly. Below are some pictures from yesterday.

This was us before surgery yesterday morning. She was still happy. :)

Kyle and Allison came to visit yesterday after school. She slept most of the time they were here, but did get up for a little to read a book and get a pink puppy dog that Kyle brought to her.

Here she is looking at Kyle after she woke up.

Uncle Bobby thought she looked funny after getting some Lortab for pain. Bless her heart.
Thank you again for the prayers and encouraging messages we have gotten. I hope to update sometime later. Love, Amy
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