Monday, May 18, 2009

5/2 Kentucky Derby Breakfast

Every year we attend a Derby breakfast given by the Kentucky Colonels at the Pioneers (who have the best food) Building. Our family rule is that you have to be 17 or 18 to attend so Kyle is the only one of our children who can go. Scott was not able to attend this year so that is why there are no pictures of him. He was calling volleyball matches. We always have a big time and this year Kyle won a cookbook (which he gave to my sister), my dad won something but I can't remember what it was, and I won $20.00! In the words of William Turner, local historian, we ate, sang My Old Kentucky Home, cried, and went home. A good time was had by all and we took the opportunity to take some pictures. Above is a pic of myself, my sister, Jennifer, my brother, Bobby, my mom, and my dad.
Below, is a picture of Kyle and myself.
The 3 "Love" Children as we are still called. I'm the oldest, Bobby is the middle child, and Jennifer is the baby.

Here we are with my Daddy.

Here is a really good picture of my mom and dad. I can't believe that they are 65 and almost 64. They don't look anywhere near that old!

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